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  • Writer's pictureBret Martin

6 Primary Emotions Inc. introduces Home Row Emotions, a theory and a phrase coined by Bret Martin.

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

It is what it is,'s the only reason 6 Primary Emotions Inc., was founded. Because there was not a day that went by for Bret Martin as an employer where he and or his staff, or both, were dealing with an employee that's Home Row Emotion wasn't causing problems or drams within the company which meant the HR Department or People Operations department had to get involved.

We've heard the same thing over and over and over again the last 30 plus years from countless other employers, it's like rubbing two sticks together to start a fire. The progress/advancement is just not there. The reason is, People Operations Assessment Hiring Software is focused on and geared towards the wrong data points.

As our CEO Bret Martin puts it, we as employers are not hiring people, we are hiring 'emotions'. Yes, personalities matter, as do feelings, they both come into play with a prospective employee, but these are secondary to emotions. Emotions are what rule us, and interestingly enough, we as human beings don't wonder far, if ever from a theory and a phrase coined by Bret Martin called our Home Row Emotion.

There are 6 primary emotions, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise and happiness. And you don't need to look very far to notice that your husband, wife, partner, mother, father, sister, brother, friends and fellow employees are each controlled or ruled by one of these Home Row Emotions.

People Operations Software aims to take the drama and liability out of the workforce.
Young lady in emotion overload due to window of tolerance issues surrounding emotions.


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